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About Oliver

Oliver Peter Lohse, born 1979 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

Education going on from 1999 until today.
Master of Medicine (Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, 浙江中医药大学)
Diploma in Osteopathy (International Academy of Osteopathy)

Already as a preschool child I was more impressed of the fundamental questions of philosophy and spirituality than by anything else. Being an agile kid in elementary school, my mom tried to calm me down by instructing me to yoga. That awakened my interest for the wisdom of Asia. I tinkered with the idea of becoming a buddhist monk during time of graduation and civilian service and practiced Vipassana Meditation for a couple of years. According to my second most essential character trait, I chose a more practical path but remained faithful to spirituality. Medicine interveawes the fields of arts and science and it demands an open heart. I am in love with TCM, because it demands and gifts this eclectic mixture to its followers already for millenias now. After I came back from China I studied Osteopathy to raise my anatomical knowledge and manual skills to the highest degree.


Continuing Education: Osteopathic visceral Anatomiy, Human Anatomical Preparation Course at Ruprechts-Karl-Universität Heidelberg; Professors: Jean-Paul Höppner, Dr. Jan Cabri

Continuing Education: Minimal Lever Mid Range Manipulation; Professor: Daryl Herbert

Continuing Studies in Osteopathic Medicine at the International Academy of Osteopathy, ending with the final graduation “Diploma in Osteopathy” (D.O.)
Lessons: Integration of Osteopathic Concepts, Fasciatherapy and Differential Diagnostics; Professors: M.Sc. Stefan Klemm, M.Sc. Mario Bombach, Dr.-Ing. Ilie Şavga

Continuing Studies in Osteopathic Medicine at the International Academy of Osteopathy
Lessons: Craniosacral Therapy, Shoulder, Ellbow, Hand; Cervical Spine; Lungs and Heart; Professors: M.Sc. Michael Slota, Olaf Häusler, Dana Scherber, M.Sc. Stefan Klemm, M. Sc. Mario Bombach

Continuing Studies in Osteopathic Medicine at the International Academy of Osteopathy
Lessons: Liver, Diaphragm, Ancle Joint and Foot, Intestines, Stomach and Spleen, Differential Diagnosis; Professors: Gert-Jan Gelhever, Carsten Diekmann, M.Sc. Michael Slota, Dr. med. habil. Albrecht Zschäbitz

Continuing Studies in Osteopathic Medicine at the International Academy of Osteopathy
Lessons: The Lumbar Spine; Differential Diagnostics, The Sakrum, Clinical Work, Hip and Knee, The Kidneys, The Thoracic Spine; Professors: Peter Frassmann M.Sc. Ost, Maren Benedix, David Wenkel B.Sc. Ost, Gert-Jan Gelhever

Continuing Studies in Osteopathic Medicine at the International Academy of Osteopathy
Lessons: The Iliosacral Joint; The Pelvic Organs; Craniosacral Therapy; Differential Diagnosis; Professors: Peter Frassmann M.Sc. Ost, Peter Schorpp M.Sc. Ost, Gabriela Herwig

Continuing Education: Osteobalance at ABZ – München; Professor: Cynthia Roosen

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Continuing Education: Tangible Acupuncture for Internal Medicine (5 Modules), Professor: Andrew Nugent-Head Ph.D.

Continuing Education: Tangible Acupuncture for Orthopedic Injuries (5 Modules), Professor: Andrew Nugent-Head Ph.D.

Continuing Education: The Safe Application of Chinese Drugs, Professor: Axel Wiebrecht Ph.D.

Continuing Education: Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in TCM; Professor: Olivia Kramer-Pojer Ph.D.

2017 to 2018
12 months local education in Hangzhou at the Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, ending with the final graduation “Master of Medicine” (硕士学位) in the field “Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine”

Continuing studies and clinical training at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, PR China
Lessons: ‘金匱要略 Jīnguì Yàoluè – Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet’; Taoism: San Jiao Qi-Transformation—The Cognitive Model of Acupuncture Treatment; Treating lower-jiao Disease by Regulating Lung-Qi; Ye Tianshi’s Medication Experiences on Treating Collateral Disease; Treating insomnia by tonfiying Yin and snoothing depression
Clinical training with the following Professors: Cao Lingyong Ph.D., Xu Guanxing Ph.D., Wen Chenping Ph.D., Lu Zhong Ph.D., Lu Sheng Sheng Ph.D., Zhang Zhuo Wen Ph.D.

Continuing Education: Studies of the Work of 葉天士 Ye Tian Shi; Professor: Xu Xiao Dong, Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education: Internal Traditional Chinese Medicine; Professor: Lu Zhong Ph.D., TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing studies and clinical training at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, PR China
Lessons about the classical text of Chinese Medicine ‘金匱要略 Jīnguì Yàoluè – Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet’
Clinical training with the following Professors: Cao Lingyong Ph.D., Xu Guanxing Ph.D., Chu Hailin Ph.D., Wen Chenping Ph.D., Lu Zhong Ph.D., Chen Wenjun Ph.D.2020

Continuing Education; 傷寒論 Shāng Hán Lùn – Treatise on Cold Damage; Professor: Cao Ling Yong Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education; 黃帝內經 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng – The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor; Professor: Wang Ying Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education; Cancer Treatment in TCM; Professor: Xu Guanxing Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education; Scholars of TCM; Professor: Gerd Wiesemann Ph.D.

Continuing studies and clinical training at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, PR China
Lessons about the classical texts of Chinese Medicine ‘Shāng Hán Lùn – On Cold Disorders’ and ‘Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng – The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor’, as well as about the topics ‘Clinical Appliance of the Recipes of Zhāng Zhòngjĭng’ and ‘Clinical Experience in TCM’
Clinical training in general medicine, internal medicine, endokrinology, gastroenterology, tumor diseases and gynacology.
Professors: Cao Lingyong Ph.D., Xu Guanxing Ph.D., Hu Zhilan Ph.D., Chu Hailin Ph.D., Yu Tao Ph.D., Xu Shan Ph.D., Yu Xinwei Ph.D., Wen Chenping Ph.D., Yang Qing Ph.D., Fu Zhongwei, Zhang Zhuowen Ph.D., Hu Zhengan Ph.D., Lyu Zhong Ph.D., Wang Ying Ph.D., Xia Yonglian Ph.D.

Continuing Education; TCM Basics; Professors: Gerd Wiesemann Ph.D. and Jens Vanstraelen Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education; Pao Zhi, Processing and Refining Medicine; Professor: Gerd Wiesemann Ph.D.; TCM-Academy, Rheinbach

Continuing Education; The Constitutional Types of the Shang Han Lun; Professor: Andreas Kalg Ph.D.; Bad Belzig

Continuing Education; Classical Formulas for Arthropathies, Coughing and Asthma As Well As Sleep Disorders; Professor: Huang Huang Ph.D.; European Institute For Oriental Medicine, München

Education in Five Animal Qi Gong at Wudang Kung Fu Academy, Wudangshan, PR China

Clinical training with Huang Huang Ph.D.; Nanjing, PR China

since 2013
Continuing Tai Ji Training at Offical Shaolin Temple; Berlin

since 2013
Regular participation at the International TCM Congress in Rothenburg

2012 to 2014
Education in Chinese Pharmacology at Shou Zhong, Berlin
Professors: Renate Ilg, Ina Horn M.Sc., Andreas Kalg Ph.D. and Jacqueline Peineke

2007 to 2009
Education in Tuina (the massage and manual technics of TCM) at Shou Zhong, Berlin
Professors: Anette Jonas Ph.D. and Karl Zippelius Ph.D.

Continuing Education; Ophthalmology in Traditional Chinese Medicine; Shou Zhong, Berlin

Scientific, Holistic and Philosophic Basics

Continuing Education; Darm krank – alles krank – Mikroökologische Diagnostik und Therapie; Professor: Dr. med. Jörn Reckel

Continuing Education; Manual Treatment of Pelvic Obliquity; Top-Physio, Berlin

Approval as Health Practitioner through Public Medical Office, Berlin-Tempelhof

2002 to 2006
Education as Hatha­-Yoga­-Teacher; Professor: Narendra Jain Ph.D.; Berlin
Graduation with Diploma by Consolate of India; Berlin

Continuing Education; Pranic Healing according to Choa Kok Sui; Berlin

2000 to 2004
Basic Education as Alternative Practitioner at Samuel­ Hahnemann­ Schule, Berlin Charlottenburg
Education in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Homoeopathics, Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture), Bodywork (Shiatsu, Classical Massage, Kinesiatrics), Dietetics, Eye-Diagnosis, Phytotherapy, Pharmakology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Reflexology, Injections, Clinical Examination, Laboratory Diagnostics, Auriculotherapy, Methods of Draining, Law and Economy

1999 to 2003
Education in the Classical Healing System According to Dr. Mikao Usui (Reiki) until masters and teachers degree; Reiki Teacher: Uwe Meissner; Rödental